The Falcon concept is the most successful underwater electric robotic system of its class and is proven in numerous intricate and demanding missions across many commercial, security and scientific sectors.
Equipped with Saab Seaeye’s advanced iCON™ intelligent control system the Falcon provides exceptional vehicle control and diagnostic data as well as the ability to customise the pilot display and enable features such as station keeping.
The Falcon is lightweight, sized just one metre long and is rated to a depth of 300m.
Falcon Overview
Surface Equipment contained in a single flight case.
Includes a power supply unit, hand control unit, touch screen monitor, and wireless keyboard.
Provides power and telemetry control through customisable screen layouts.
Fibre Optic or Twisted Pair options for data and video transmission.
Optional hand power cable spools and electric winches for vehicle deployment.
Standard (300m) or deep-rated (1000m) ROV fitted with five thrusters, vehicle junction box, two LED lights, high resolution colour camera and a navigation pod providing vehicle auto depth and auto heading.
Requires a single phase 110/230 VAC supply.